Installation process.

The following process will be used to install admin dashboard with Laravel

1. Server Requirements:

2. Install php package manager Composer : Please install latest version of composer from

3. This project is using Laravel version 10.x.

4. Install Node.js : Please install latest version of Node.js from

5. Copy laravel folder from themeforest bundle and extract to your suitable directory or folder.

6. Open terminal or command prompt with installation directory/folder.

7. Install PHP dependencies: composer install

8. Create new .env file from copying .env.example

9. Generate laravel app key php artisan key:generate

10. Install node dependencies: npm install

11. Run command npm run watch to start vue js development.

12. Run command npm run prod to build for production.

13. Run command php artisan serve to start php server which will run laravel or if you are using other server apps like WAMP, XAMP or MAMP, you can follow that guide.

14. Install Git : If you are a Git user. Please install latest version of Git from

Note:- All the commands mentioned above can be executed using Git.

In case if you have any problems or query then please contact us